How long does botox last?
Botox treatment results typically last from 2-4 months. Everyone is unique so its impossible to tell exactly how long Botox results will last.
kirkland botox cost
Our Botox prices are $15 per unit but we have an introductory Botox cost of $13 per unit. We also have our 'Bank Your Botox' program allowing you to keep your Botox cost at $13 per unit.
Botox how many units?
The number of Botox units is different for everyone. We suggest a complimentary consultation or an appointment to determine the exact amount of units required for you. Men require more because their muscles are usually stronger.
botox lip flip
The Botox lip flip is a quick and easy treatment that requires just a couple Botox units to help increase the size of your upper lip. Dermal lip fillers can also be used to give you full beautiful lips as well.
botox versus dysport
Botox versus dysport seems to be on everyone's minds these days. Dysport is equally as effective and many would argue its more effective. Dysport and Botox are like Coke & Pepsi and some just prefer one or the other. In recent years, Dysport seems to be lasting longer because Allergan was purchased by AbbVie and Botox isn't quite as effective.