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As you age, you may notice fine lines and wrinkles as well as lost volume in your face, and unfortunately, volume loss screams old age. If you’d like to add volume and reduce wrinkles without surgery, consider facial fillers Kirkland. Facial Fillers Kirkland can help you look years younger without pain or downtime. Here at Skintegrity MedSpa, we are experts with all types of facial fillers in Kirkland.

How Do Facial Fillers Work?k

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occuring substance in your body and it hydrates and nourishes your skin because it attracts water. As you age, your levels of hyaluronic acid decrease resulting in lost volume. Fortunately, most facial fillers, aka dermal fillers Kirkland, are formulated with hyaluronic acid to restore it. Facial fillers Kirkland can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, add volume to hollow areas like the temples, and plump lips.

Facial Fillers Kirkland

Types of Facial Fillers or Dermal Fillers:

Juvederm Near Me Kirkland

  • Juvederm XC: Treats moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds.
  • Juvederm Ultra XC: Improves volume loss in the lips.
  • Juvederm Voluma XC: Resolves volume loss in the cheek area.
  • Juvederm Vollure XC: Treats moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds).
  • Juvederm Volbella XC: Adds subtle volume to lips and softens the appearance of vertical lip lines.

Restylane Near Me Kirkland

  • Restylane Lyft: Resolves volume loss in the cheeks and hands.
  • Restylane Refyne: Softens mild to moderate smile lines.
  • Restylane Defyne: Similar to Refyne, but used to treat more severe smile lines.
  • Restylane Silk: Adds fullness to the lips while improving the lines that surround them.

Benefits of facial filler injections kirkland

There are a number of benefits to facial fillers. Dermal Filler clinics in Kirkland can restore volume loss in the cheeks or mid-face region, reduce lines and wrinkles, plump lips, and soften lip lines. You won’t have to wait weeks or even months for results because they're seen immediately after your treatment.

Our results are natural-looking and our expert injectors enhance the appearance of your facial features. Results can last up to two years, and best of all, there is no downtime so you may return to work and your daily activities right after your treatment.

good candidate facial fillers Kirkland

We recommend facial fillers to men and women in Kirkland who suffer from age related volume loss and want to look younger without surgery. Ideal candidates are usually bothered by fine lines and wrinkles, a deflated face, or thin lips.

Kirkland Facial Fillers are a good option for almost everyone so schedule a complimentary consultation today to see what we can do for you.

Facial Filler Recovery & Aftercare

One of the greatest benefits of dermal fillers and facial fillers is the fact that they’re non-invasive and come with virtually no downtime. You can resume work and your daily routine immediately after you receive them. If you experience a few side effects like minor redness, bruising, and swelling at the injection sites, rest assured they’ll likely be short-lived.


Are dermal fillers and facial fillers safe?

Absolutely! Dermal fillers Kirkland are extremely safe with an experienced injector.

What is the difference between dermal fillers Kirkland and Botox Kirkland?

While dermal fillers are formulated to fill in wrinkles caused by collagen and volume loss, Botox is used to treat dynamic wrinkles, which are the result of repetitive facial movements. Although both treatments are injected, they are used to resolve different problems related to aging. You may benefit from dermal fillers and Botox, depending on your concerns.

How long do dermal fillers last?

Since dermal fillers are a non-invasive treatment, they do not deliver permanent results. Fortunately, however, results can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. The type of dermal filler used, the areas treated, and your lifestyle will play a role in the longevity of injectable fillers.

What is the ideal age for dermal filler treatment?

There is no ideal age for dermal filler treatment. We only require patients to be adults in good general health with aesthetic concerns that can be effectively treated with dermal fillers.

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