Achieve Smooth, Youthful Skin with Fractora
If wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, stretch marks, or scars are impacting your appearance, we can utilize Fractora RF microneedling to drastically improve your situation. Our Fractora treatment combines precise microneedling with targeted radiofrequency (RF) energy, to penetrate the deepest layer of your skin, stimulate collagen, and deliver lasting skin rejuvenation without surgery or excessive downtime.
Why Choose Fractora?
Fractora was the 1st RF microneedling device and the amazing results started the rush for other manufacturers to develop similar products. Fractora & Morpheus8 reverse signs of aging, drastically reduce wrinkles, acne & acne scars, sun damage, & skin laxity but experience is the key to achieving amazing results with these technologies. We're happy to report, we were the 1st provider in WA state to offer Fractora & Morpheus8 and our results are proof of that.
Is Fractora Like Moprheus8?
Fractora was the very 1st RF microneedling device and its results created the rush by other manufacturers to create similar devices. Fractora evolved to Morpheus8 and now has become a cost-effective alternative to Morpheus8 but experience is the key to getting the best results. We were the 1st practice in WA state to offer both Fractora and Morpheus8 and our results are amazing.
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