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What is Fractora RF Microneedling?

If you've been searching for the best microneedling treatments, you've come to the right place. We're the 1st in WA state to offer Microneedling with RF technology. Our first device was Fractora followed by Morpheus8. RF Microneedling reduces wrinkles, fine lines, acne & acne scars, turkey neck, even stretch marks. Our Fractora & Morpheus8 treatments combine precise microneedling with targeted radiofrequency (RF) energy, to penetrate the deepest layer of your skin, stimulate collagen, and deliver lasting skin rejuvenation without surgery or excessive downtime.

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How rf microneedling kirkland works?

Kirkland RF Microneedling is a combination of microneedling & radiofrequency (RF) technology. The RF increases the depth of penetration of the microneedling treatment to promote collagen and elastin in the deepest layers of your skin. RF microneedling Kirkland also tightens the skin simultaneously to drastically reduce fine lines & wrinkles, acne & acne scars, stretch marks, loose lax skin, and everything in between.

Fractora Near Me

RF microneedling for acne scars?

RF microneedling for acne scars may be the very best option to drastically reduce or eliminate acne scars. Active acne is also eliminated with RF microneedling in Kirkland because the radiofrequency kills the acne-causing bacteria. If you're sick of acne or acne scars, RF microneedling can change your life and we've done more procedures than anyone in WA state.

Fractora Microneedling With Radiofrequency


Who offers Morpheus8 near me?

If you're searching for Morpheus8 near me, and you live in Kirkland, Bellevue, Seattle, or surrounding areas, we were the 1st provider in WA state to offer Morpheus8 technology, and experience is the key to getting the best Morpheus8 results.

Can rf microneedling be used anywhere on the face and body?

RF Microneedling in Kirkland can be used anywhere on the face and body but operator experience is absolutely crucial with the device. Results are contingent on the skill and technique of the operator because the settings and attachments for the body are very different than the face.

RF Microneedling is it painful?

We make the process more tolerable than almost anyone because we include the strongest topical numbing available in the US & ProNox nitrous oxide with all of our Morpheus8 treatments. They are add-ons with Fractora and we also have proprietary protocols we've developed with years of experience.

rf microneedling vs microneedling

Microneedling is popular because results are seen almost immediately. However, they only last 30 days because the depths required for permanent results would be intolerable. Combining RF with Microneedling is a game-changer with lasting results and far better outcomes.

What is the rf microneedling cost?

rf microneedling cost is determined by several different variables, and because there are so many considerations, a complimentary consultation is required to determine an accurate estimate. There's no obligation and we don't use any high pressure sales tactics so you won't regret coming in - we guarantee it.

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