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Can I correct a double chin without surgery?

If you have a double chin, submental fat can be eliminated without surgery with a product called Kybella in a simple 45 minute office visit. Kybella is a non-invasive treatment option with FDA approval that produces reliable and reproducible results.

Am I a candidate for KYBELLA?

Our medical professionals will assess your concerns and decide if you are a good candidate, determine your best treatment options, and ultimately, customize a treatment plan based on your aesthetic goals. In most cases, everyone that has been plagued with, or insecure about the appearance of their chin area is a good candidate for treatment.

Double Chin Treatment Kirkland

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Treat your double chin with KYBELLA in Kirkland, WA

KYBELLA, a revolutionary approach to handling submental fat is an injectable that is delivered directly into the fat beneath the chin. KYBELLA is a highly effective procedure that has the following advantages:

  • Non-invasive
  • Non-surgical
  • No anesthesia
  • Can be an effective alternative to liposuction
  • No downtime


How long do the results last?

You may require 2-6 treatments of KYBELLA to achieve optimal results. Once optimal results are achieved, they last because the fat cells are permanently destroyed, flushed by the lymphatic system, and best of all, you can re-treat the area if you decide you would like to have more fat removed.

Is KYBELLA safe?

KYBELLA has been FDA approved for the treatment of submental fat. The active ingredient in KYBELLA occurs naturally in the body to break down dietary fat.

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